Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Natural Home Remedy for Acne

Are you self conscious about your skin? Have you struggled with acne for years and never found a long term cure? Have you seen multiple dermatologists who prescribe topical creams and oral antibiotics that only offer temporary fixes?

I have been there. I have used every cream, soap, and peel imaginable to get rid of acne breakouts. I have visited dermatologists and filled prescriptions and never found anything that worked for longer than a few days. I have however found a solution.

If you are tired of trying endless topical creams and oral antibiotics, read on for 7 natural home remedies for acne. You can have clear skin without all of those harsh chemicals and without taking a pill for the rest of your life.

1. Make sure to eat plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.

Fresh fruits and veggies are great for your skin because they provide you with many essential vitamins and minerals. Try making a smoothie or just adding an extra serving of vegetables at one of your meals. Snaking on nuts can also be good for your skin. Especial Brazil nuts and pumpkin seeds because they are a good source of selenium and zinc. These minerals are essential for getting rid of pimples and blemishes!

2. Drink lots of water!

Drinking water is a must for clear skin. When skin becomes dehydrated, dead skin cells are not shed fast enough. This clogs pores and leads to breakouts.

3. Start consuming probiotics.

Antibiotics can be harmful to your skin. Antibiotics try to rid your body of harmful substances from the inside out. Sometimes these substances (mostly bacteria) can get caught in your skin and cause pimples and clogged pores. By making sure you are getting Probiotics, which can be found in honey, onions, artichokes, and bananas, to restore the good bacteria that your body produces naturally.

4. Try to use only natural products on your skin.

Many cosmetics and facial soaps contain harmful ingredients, such as animal bi-products and mineral oil, which clog pores. By using natural products you can be sure that the products you are using to treat your skin are not causing your skin harm. Tea tree oil is great because of its antiseptic, antibacterial, and antiviral properties.

5. Reduce stress

Stress is a major cause of acne breakouts! Stress causes a hormonal imbalance which leads to an increase in sebum. Sebum is a greasy substance that clogs pores and causes breakouts. Try exercising. This gets rid of stress and increases blood flow to the skin.

6. Reduce sugar and refined carbs (white breads, pastas, and rice)

Foods high in sugar and refined carbs lead to an increase in insulin in your body. This causes an increase in male hormones, which also causes an increase in sebum production. Once again causing bacteria in the skin cells that leads to pimples.

7. Last, but not least, increase exposure to sunshine and fresh air!

Exposure to sun stimulates vitamin D production in the body. Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for clear skin. Also, fresh air helps to reduce stress and increase oxygen to the skin. Just make sure not to burn! Sunburned or heavily tanned skin creates a thick layer of skin cells which can cause dead skin cells to become trapped and cause breakouts. Fresh air can increase circulation to the skin which will help your skin be able to reproduce new skin cells faster.

Jennifer is a full time teacher by profession, but has spent years searching for a way to get clear skin. If you want to start the journey to clear skin today, visit for more information on natural remedies for acne

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